Frequently asked questions.

  • Therapy is a safe, confidential space for you and/or your loved ones to get mental health care from a professional.

    In my practice, I do talk-therapy with activities and homework sprinkled in, to each client’s comfort level.

    Schedule a session with me here

  • Confidentiality means I will not release your protected health information to anyone. There are exceptions to confidentiality, which I will list here:

    If you consent and sign a release of information for a person.

    If there is a court order to release records.

    If there is a crime against me or my property.

    If I need to make a report (I am a mandatory reporter) for a duty to warn, if someone is threatening to harm another person. If I need to make a report for a danger to self, if I hear that my client is going to cause harm to themselves. If I need to make a report about child or elder abuse or neglect.

  • Therapy can help you manage your mental health and create life-long systems that work for you. Therapy is not a miracle, it is real, hard work in order to build the foundation of your dream life and start take the necessary steps to get where you want to be.

  • Therapy sessions are 45-55 minutes long.

    In terms of how many therapy sessions are needed, that is dependent on why you are coming to therapy and how comfortable you are working towards your dream life on your own.

  • The free consultation is a 15 minute call or virtual meeting to see if we are a good fit.

    Interested? Sign up here

  • In the first session, we will focus on collaborating on goals and the treatment plan. I will ask you standard questions, this may feel similar to a doctor’s office visit. I will go over the disclosure form and consent for Telehealth form with you and answer any questions you may have about those forms and the therapy process.

    This session is where you start planning your dream life!

  • Your significant other/partner has to want to come to therapy. If they want to join, they are more likely to work on themselves/your relationship.

    You are welcome to have individual therapy which may impact the couple system through yourself.