Professional headshot of Natalie Goobes

Licenses and Certifications

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist WA State (MG61464810)

Natalie Goobes, MS, LMFTA

Growing up and being raised by immigrant parents, I was fascinated by the differences in communication and problem-solving. I was not the kind of kid who went to their room when I heard conflict and asked questions.

In “the old-country”, people did not believe in therapy, they believed in community and relationships. When I first learned about psychology in the 7th grade, I was elated that there was a job out there that fit my interests. My parents wanted me to be a dentist, but clearly that did not happen…

In high school, I took a psychology course and loved it, so I went on to major in it in college. When I was thinking of being a therapist, I had no idea about all the different programs available to me. As I looked down the list, I stumbled on marriage and family therapy!

I thought, wow this connects therapy with community and relationships. I am grateful to have found a career that genuinely interests me and fills my life with meaning.

My Interests

I was raised by immigrant parents and have studied social justice and cultural studies. I am interested in working with people facing generational trauma and intersectionality.

I am a creative person and am interested in collaborating on different ways to incorporate creativity into sessions with like-minded clients.

I have experience with chronic illness myself, in my family, and working with clients experiencing chronic illness. I am interested in learning more about the world of auto-immunity (e.g., IBS, Addison’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) and medical issues (e.g., cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS)